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Published - January 1992
This is a 1-shot, a complete story in 1 comic. More 1-Shots
The Origin of the Hobgoblin trade paperback collects Amazing Spider-Man (1963 Series) #238-239, 244-245 and 249-251; and Spectacular Spider-Man (1976 Series) #43, 47-48 and 85. RON FRENZ, MIKE ZECK, MARIE SEVERIN and AL MILGROM. Cover by JOHN ROMITA. \ Rising from the legacy of the Green Goblin, Spider-Man's most enduring foe, comes the deadly Hobgoblin. His true identity is one of the most complex mysteries Spidey has ever faced. Featuring the Black Cat, the Kingpin, Madame Web, Mary Jane, the Prowler and more.