I'll get you cash for your comics. We'll list your comics on our website and eBay and get your comics sold. It works! We've sold over 2.3 million comics online. It's fast & easy.
Read the details below. Then, call me at 610-277-3000 or email Selling@NewKadia.com. Have this info ready:
About how many comics are you looking to sell?
Approximately what percentage are ... DC or Marvel?
Silver Age (1956-69)? Bronze Age (1970-91)? Modern Age (1992-now)?
Are the comics sorted by title, or ramdomly?
The Details
1. The more valuable a book, the more you make.
We'll list your comics on both our website and eBay and get them sold for full value. We've already sold over 2.3 million comics online.
This chart shows what you'll get per comic when each book sells. If you have more than 2,000 comics, call 610-277-3000 because advance payments are available for most collections.
To discuss rates,
call us at 610-277-3000, weekdays 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. EST.
You'll Make More Money with Us. Here's why...
We'll help you get good value for your comics. We're working with you, not against you.The more money you make, the more money we make. We'll take care of every detail -- grading, appraising and listing each book for sale and marketing it to buyers worldwide. When a book sells, we get a commission on each sale. NewKadia has a proven record in maximizing your profit.
We individually grade and list every book at its current market price -- the true value of each comic book. Click for a sample of the reports you'll be able to view online.
Selling in bulk to someone else
When you sell books outright, the buyer wants to pay you as little as possible because every dollar they don't pay you, is another dollar of profit for them. Many buyers typically pay sellers about 10% of what their comics are worth. Some buyers may tell you that your books are in worse condition than they really are, or that there's little demand for your comics, to drive down the price they pay you.
In contrast, we'll be open and honest. We can afford to pay you more, because we have 24 years of experience in getting top value for each book. And, the more any book sells for, the more money you make and the more money we make.
If you haven't appraised comics before, let our 24+ years of experience work for you.
You'll make much more with us. Examples, based on the sale price of a comic:
Amount received *
Per book fee ***
- $2.99
- $2.99
- $2.99
- $2.99
- $2.99
- $2.99
- $2.99
You Get
$ .15****
Your Share
* Amount Received is the money received by NewKadia on the sale of a book after subtracking any discounts and coupons, and does not include shipping or taxes.
For a book sold on other marketplaces (such as eBay) any fees or charges by the marketplace are also subtracted.
** Once the per book fee is deducted from the "Sub-Total", the amount "You Get" is added to your account. Because of the per book fee,
your Share will be less than the percentage used to calculate the Sub-Total.
*** The per book fee is:
A. $3.99 for any book with a cover price over 30¢, or
C. $2.99 for any book with a cover price of 30¢ or less
if you send 250 or more with a cover price 30¢ or less.
The fee is our charge for a comic bag and board, grading chart, storage, insurance, and labor - unpacking, professional grading, bagging and boarding it.
For books in lower demand and/or greater supply -- those that don't sell within 2 months, the per book fee increases by $1.25.
If your per book fee is
• $2.99, you receive more than 15¢ only when a DC or Marvel comic sells for $6.28 or more.
• $3.99, you receive more than 15¢ only when a DC or Marvel comic sells for $8.28 or more.
• $4.99, you receive more than 15¢ only when a DC or Marvel comic sells for $10.28 or more.
For example, if a DC or Marvel comic priced over 30¢ comic sells for $8 your share is $0.15 ($8 x 50% = $4, minus $3.99 = $0.01). Instead, you get the $0.15 minimum. If most of your books have a cover price over 30¢, explore other alternatives before you ship comics to us.
      Another example: You sent us more than 250 books with a cover price of 30¢ or less.
One is Amazing Spider-Man (1963 series) #60 with an Overstreet Guide value of $65.   We list it for $96.85. Every month it remains unsold, its price drops 1/2rd of 1%.
In 50 days its price is $95.88. And, in this example, it's bought with a 10% coupon, reducing the its price to $86.29.
You get 53% ($45.73) minus $2.99 = $42.74,
**** If the per book fee is more than the Sub-total, your share is $0.15 for any DC or Marvel comic, or $0.08 for a comic from any other publisher.
2. It's Easy
Save time with NewKadia vs. selling on eBay or other websites.
We do all your work. eBay won't.
What is done for you...
Grade each book
Write an ad
Correctly price each book
Scan the cover
Answer customer questions
Buy mailing boxes
Pack each order
Type shipping labels
Go to the post office
Deal with lost packages
Deal with customer complaints
3. Get paid
      Each month you get a check for the books sold if your share is $100 or more. If under $100, the amount is rolled forward and paid when your share reaches $100 at the end of any month. After 60 months, for unsold books you tell us to:
        a. Keep selling them, or
        b. Return them to you (at our expense).
Frequently asked questions
How long has NewKadia been in business?
Since Jan. 1, 2000.
How do I track my sales?
You Get Real Time Access to Your Sales Reports!
Track your sales on a private page on our website. Here's an example of an actual sales report. (from April 30, 2011). He sent us 19 books, which went on sale March 17, 2011.
53% sold in the first 40 days. He got $1,994.88 of the $2,713.86 received (73.5%).
His "unsold books" report on April 30, 2011
In this example, all his unsold books sold within 9 months.
Why does NewKadia pay sellers more than local stores?
In 1999, I was looking to sell my own collection. I sent a list of my 800 comics to 27 comic book stores. The price guide said they were worth $10,400. The only offer I got was $250. So I started selling my comics myself, online.
We've sold over 2 million comics, representing most every comic book character, era and publisher.
We pay more than comic book stores and can still make a fair profit because:
● As an online store, our expenses are much lower than comic book stores.
● We sell to customers all over the world, so we sell more comics than most all local stores. Because we sell so many books, we can pay you more. What we give up per book, we make up in volume.
With our proprietary pricing software, we find a buyer for every comic. We'll turn your comics into cash faster much faster than most everyone else.
How big is NewKadia?
We're the biggest comic store in the world that only sells online.
Take a quick video tour of our fulfillment center
What are my comics worth?
It's impossible to give you an exact value until we grade each comic. That's because a comic's value is based on: (1) What issue it is and (2) its condition.
• To determine a comic's title and issue number, go to the small print (usually at the bottom of page 1) and read its official title and issue number. Then, search for the comic at NewKadia. Its Overstreet Price Guide value is listed with the issue.
A key factor is the demand for the comic. Many people would like the first Superman comic, but only a few exist so a copy recently sold for $2.4 million. In contast, the first issue of New Mutants is in greater supply and fewer people want one. The result -- it's worth $24.
Our prices change every day, based on that day's "supply and demand". Also, the longer a comic remains unbought, the more we discount it from its Overstreet Price Guide value. Why? Because Overstreet is just that ... a guide. A comic's real value is what someone is willing to pay. So, if a comic isn't selling at its "Guide" price, we drop its price a tiny amount (about of 1/2 of 1% per month - 5¢ on a $10 comic) until it hits the price that a customer is willing to pay.
• To see the criteria we use to grade each book, click here.
And remember, the REAL VALUE of any comic is its sale price, MINUS YOUR COST (in time and advertising) to FIND that buyer. So, an Overstreet value is pretty meaningless unless you can find a buyer. And, an Overstreet "value" is a guess at its GROSS value, before deducting the cost of selling it.
Several MILLION people see our listings each year. Can you reach millions of comic buyers?
What would it cost you to find a buyer for each book?
How much time would it take you to find a buyer for each book?
So, to determine a comic's real value, subtract your actual costs and the value of your time from a book's sale price. Or, have NewKadia sell your comics and avoid the cost and save the time. When we sell each book, NewKadia's percentage and per book fee are your costs.
Our program isn't for everyone. If most all of your comics are valued under $8.50 you might want to try other options because your share of sales will be low.
How fast will my comics sell?
Two big factors in determining how fast your books will sell are:
The condition of the comic
Generally, if we have several copies of the same comic, the one in the best condition sells fastest (because collectors want the best). Copies in the worst condition also sell fast because they are much less expensive. As a result, comics without covers often sell quickly.
The popularity of the comic
We stock over 21,000 different comic book titles.
Amazing Spider-Man (1963 series) with 441 different issue is our #1 selling title.
Click here for top 2,500 sellers. Comics on the list sell faster than those that aren't.
Does NewKadia get news coverage?
    Yes, read the Philadelphia Inquirer's story about us (from Page 1 of the Sunday business section). The story was also syndicated throughout the USA.
Watch this CBS TV newscast about us
How accurately will you grade my comics?
    Our professional grading team has graded over 2.7 million comic books. We grade every book accurately because when a book sells, we split the revenue with you.
How many people sell with us?
    Over 900 people have sold with us. One seller sold 1 book only (it was X-Men #1). In contrast, the biggest seller has sold over 126,000 comics.
Are my books insured and safe?
Yes. Our fulfillment center is fully insured. Located in suburban Philadelphia, we occupy the entire third floor of this brick building. Our insurance protects our inventory from fire, theft and storm damage.
We selected the third floor to avoid incidental lower floor water damage. Our entire facility is protected by two burglar alarm systems. One protects the entire 88,000 square foot building; a second protects our space.
The freight elevator connects to our loading dock, where FedEx and USPS trucks pick up our customer packages and deliver your books to us.
Our fulfillment center, warehouse and office building.
Jim Drucker
Call me
Ask me questions and get references from people who have made money with us.
Hear for yourself how easy it is.
Call me weekdays 10 am to 5 pm EST at 610-277-3000
First, fill-in the blanks by typing, then ...
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® Consignment Agreement for NewKadia to sell your comic books
    This agreement is made on
September 9, 2024, by   ("Owner" or "You"), Street:  ,
City:  , State:  ,Zip code  
Email address:  
Area code and phone #:     and NewKadia.com, Inc. ("NewKadia" or "We", "Us" or "Our"), 125 Noble Street, Suite 301, Norristown, PA 19401. You and we agree:
1.  Overview. You are the Owner of comic books (the "books"). This Agreement is for NewKadia to sell your books on consignment under these terms:
2. Shipping Books to NewKadia. Select one:
You ship the books at your expense by USPS, UPS or FedEx, insured with delivery confirmation.
You deliver the books.  [For an appointment, call 610-277-3000, M-F, 10 to 5 pm EST].
3. Other Items. Any bags, boards and boxes the books are shipped in and/or anything you ship other than comic books, trade paperbacks or magazine-size comics, such as cards, paperback books or non-comic magazines, become our property and we may discard or sell them without payment to you.
4. Risk of Loss. We will insure and bear the risk of loss for each book from the time we receive it until its buyer gets it. If an unsold book is lost or damaged, it will be treated as if it was sold at its NewKadia list price on the date it was lost or damaged or at its Overstreet Price Guide value, whichever is less, and you will be entitled to your share as described in section 7 below. If a book is unsold and returned to you, we bear the risk of loss until it is delivered to your address.
5. Procedure. We grade each book using Overstreet Price Guide standards and we have
sole discretion as to each book's grade and you agree to accept our grading.
We will place each book on sale at NewKadia.com at the approximate rate of 1,500 per month.
Each book's Initial Price is its Overstreet value (or higher) at the grade we assign.
Each book's price drops approximately 1% every 3 months it remains unsold.
The price of a comic sold at NewKadia.com may also be reduced up to 40% if in our sole opinion it is overstocked, and/or as a part of a
storewide sale or discount coupon offer.
We may also place each book on sale on other markets (such as eBay and HipComic).
If we do, all fees charged by those markets and any disounts we offer on those markets
are deducted to calculate the "amount received" by NewKadia.
When a book sells, we ship it to its buyer.
6. Reports. When your books go on sale, we will email you instructions to access your online sales report. Your report lists each book, its condition, when it sold, amount received and your share of the amount received.
7. We will Pay You:
When the "amount received" for a sold book is:
Your share is:
  $500 or more
75% of the "amount received" for that book less $3.99*
  $250 to $499.99
65% of the "amount received" for that book less $3.99*
  $100 to $249.99
55% of the "amount received" for that book less $3.99*
  $50 to $99.99
53% of the "amount received" for that book less $3.99*
  $0.01 to $49.99
50% of the "amount received" for that book less $3.99*
* or $0.15, whichever is more for a DC or Marvel comic, or $0.08 for a comic from any other publisher.
The $3.99 per book fee decreases to $2.99 for comics with a cover price of 30¢ or less,
but only if you send 250 or more books with a cover price of 30¢ or less.
i.   If you send 10 or more copies of any specific issue, we may return some or all to you at your expense. If you send 5 or more copies of any specific issue, we will pay you 33% of the amount received less the per book fee for each copy of that specific issue, or $0.08 per copy, whichever is more.
ii.   Buyers pay a shipping charge (and in some cases, tax) but you do not receive any of it.
iii.   If a book sells more than 2 months after it goes on sale, its per book fee increases by $1.25.
8. Payment.
For books sold each month, we will mail your share on the 25th of the next month. But, if your share is under $100, we will withhold payment until the 25th of the month after your share reaches $100.
9. Unsold books. Starting 60 months after your books go on sale and not before, for unsold books, you can:
      a. Send us written notice that you want all unsold books returned. We pay for return shipping in the USA. (Outside the USA, you pay). We may return them unbagged and unboarded.
      b. Do nothing and the books remain on sale.
10. Warranty. You warrant that you own and have clear title to each book. There are no other warranties or representations by either you or NewKadia, other than those in this Agreement.
11. Arbitration. All disputes or claims arising out of or related to this Agreement must be resolved by binding arbitration before a single arbitrator in Montgomery County, PA before the American Arbitration Association pursuant to its rules for commercial arbitration.
12. Other. (A) This Agreement is the entire agreement between you and NewKadia regarding the subject matter contained in it and it supersedes any discussions, projections and statements made by our representatives and/or employees and/or anything (other than this Agreement) which appears at NewKadia.com concerning the subject matter contained in this agreement. (B) Any change to this Agreement must be in writing and signed by you and NewKadia. (C) The terms of this Agreement only pertain to the first set of books you send us with this Agreement. For any additional books you send to us more than 1 month after the date of this Agreement, you must include and sign the then current version of this Agreement. If you do not, then the terms of the then current version of this Agreement will apply to those books sent more than 1 month after the date of this Agreement.
13. REQUIRED: Who told you about NewKadia?
A. Google Search
B. Other Search
C. A friend or relative
D. I've bought from NewKadia
E. Heritage Auctions
F. Joe Koch Comics
G. Lehigh Valley Comics
H. Quality Comix
I. TVcomics.com
J. Other ,
Don't ship any books until after you speak to us. Call 610-277-3000, 10am to 5pm EST, M-F
________________________________________ Signature of NewKadia.com, Inc.         date
Enclose a copy of this agreement in each box you send.
Rev. 8/27/24
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Shipping Checklist
  1. Agreement:   Fill in the blanks in the agreement by typing, then Print and sign. Puy a copy in each box, on top of the comics.
  2. Contact us:   Do not ship unless you have spoken to us by phone. 610-277-3000, M-F, 10 am to 5 pm EST
  3.   Packing
            Use heavy duty packing tape to seal each box.
            Pack boxes tightly so books don't move. Shake box. If you hear any noise, re-pack it tighter.
            Do not use styrofoam peanuts.
            Pack so each comic is placed in the same direction.
            Sort comics so all of the same title are next to each other.
          If you don't, we can return the books to you, at your expense for you to sort them.
            Only ship comics, trade paperbacks or magazine-sized comics.
            Do not ship trading cards, non-comic magazines, paperback books or posters.
  4.   Number each box:   For example, if you ship 2 boxes, number them "Box 1 of 2", and "Box 2 of 2", like this:
Box 1 of 2
Receiving Dept.
125 Noble St, Suite 301
Norristown, PA 19401-4470
Box 2 of 2
Receiving Dept.
125 Noble St, Suite 301
Norristown, PA 19401-4470
  5A.   If you are shipping the books to us:
            Ship 'U.S. Media Mail Rate' with Delivery Confirmation and insurance.
  5B.   If you are deliverying books in person
            Call 1-610-277-3000, weekdays from 10 am to 5 p.m. to make an appointment.
  5C.   If you want us to arrange and pay for shipping
            Call 1-610-277-3000, weekdays from 10 am to 5 p.m. to discuss.
Approximate comic weight:
8 comics = 1 pound. Shipping 320 comics (40 lbs) by Media Mail is ~$33.95 + insurance.
5 comics with a board & bag = 1 pound. Shipping 200 (40 lbs) by Media Mail is ~$33.95 + insurance.
If shipping 5,000 or more comics
To ship 5,000 or more comics, it might be cheaper if you put the boxes on a pallet, shrink-wrapped. It's easy, (A) Call Packing Service, Inc (www.packingserviceinc.com) at 1-888-722-5774 or another packing service to shrink wrap your boxes to a pallet and (b) Go to Uship.com or another shipping or freight carrier to get a shipping cost.
Type your return address first and then print your labels.
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Box _______ of _______
Receiving Dept.
125 Noble St, Suite 301
Norristown, PA 19401-4470