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In the past   7   14   30    days,  we added
1   10   25  or more copies of these comics.

 Click a comic to view or buy an issue

100 Bullets (1999 series)  •  #27   #42   #43   #44   #45   #46   #48   #49   #51   #52   #53   #57   #58   #59   #61   #62   #88   #89   #90

1st Issue Special  •  #6   #13

2001: A Space Odyssey  •  #4   #5   #9   #10

24: Legacy - Rules of Engagement  •  #2   #3

52  •  #41

52 Aftermath: The Four Horsemen  •  #1   #2   #3   #6

Abominations  •  #2

Action Comics (1938 series)   #286   #445   #491   #544   #583   #638   #645   #646   #647   #650   #651   #664   #678   #687   #689   #690   #691   #692   #693   #697   #701   #703   #716   #729   #730   #736   #738   #739   #742   #749   #751   #754   Annual #5

Action Comics (2011 series)  •  #39

Action Comics (2016 series)  •  #958   #959   #960   #961   #963   #1000   #1000   #1001   #1002   #1003   #1004   #1005   #1006   #1007   #1009   #1010   #1011   #1012   #1013   #1017   #1018   #1019   #1020   #1021   #1022   #1023   #1025   #1027   #1028   #1029   #1030   #1031   #1038   #1043   #1046   Special #1

Adam Strange (1990 series)  •  #1   #2   #3

Adventure Comics (1938 series)  •  #410

Adventures of Superman (1987 series)   #427   #450   #452   #453   #458   #459   #467   #470   #476   #477   #498   #500   #501   #501   #502   #505   #506   #510   #513   #514   #523   #542   #543   #544   #547   #549   #554   #555   #560   #562   #564   #565   #566   #568   Annual #3   Annual #5

Adventures of the Outsiders  •  #42   #45

Agents of Atlas (2009 series)  •  #1

Alf  •  #50

Alien Legion (1984 series)  •  #1   #2   #3   #4   #5   #7   #8   #9   #10   #11   #12   #13   #14   #15   #16   #18   #19   #20

Alien Legion (1987 series)  •  #1   #2   #3   #5   #6   #7   #8   #9   #10   #11   #12   #13   #14   #15   #16   #17   #18

All-American Men of War  •  #103

All-New All-Different Marvel Universe  •  #1

All-New Atom  •  #12   #13   #14   #15

All-New X-Men (2016 series)  •  #11

All-Star Squadron  •  #3   #9   #10   #12   #14   #16   #19   #23   #24   #35   #46   #48   Annual #1

Alpha Flight (1983 series)  •  #9   #15   #31   #32   #35   #39   #43   #67   #68   #71   #77   #78   #80   #82   #120   Annual #1

Amazing Spider-Man (1963 series)  •  #30   #48   #63   #65   #84   #90   #92   #94   #95   #96   #105   #108   #109   #111   #114   #116   #118   #127   #128   #142   #147   #150   #151   #153   #154   #158   #159   #167   #187   #192   #193   #195   #315   #338   #340   #352   #353   #357   Annual #25

American Freak: A Tale of the Un-Men  •  #1   #2   #3

Amethyst: Princess of Gemworld  •  #2   #11

Animal Man (1988 series)  •  #71   #72

Aquaman (1986 series)  •  #1

Aquaman (1991 series)  •  #3   #4

Aquaman (1994 series)   #7   #11   #72

Aquaman (2011 series)  •  #3

Aquaman (2016 series)  •  #49

Aquaman and the Others  •  #6   #8

Arak/Son of Thunder  •  #1   #1   #2   #5   #6   #7   #8   #9   #10   #12   #18   #19   #30   #40   #47

Archie Comics  •  #331

Archie Giant Series Magazine  •  #542

Archie's Joke Book Magazine  •  #73   #189

Arion: Lord of Atlantis  •  #1   #2   #5   #21   #29   #32   #34

Aristokittens  •  #7

Armageddon 2001  •  #1

Armageddon: Alien Agenda  •  #2

Armageddon: Inferno  •  #1

Atari Force (1984 series)  •  #1   #1   #2   #3   #4   #5   #6   #7   #8   #9   #9   #11   #13

Atom & Hawkman  •  #46

Atom Special  •  #2

Avengers (1963 series)  •  #21   #39   #49   #86   #104   #108   #109   #115   #122   #130   #133   #136   #141   #170   #177   #187   #191   #229   #230   #231   #233   #235   #240   #241   #242   #243   #244   #245   #246   #247   #248   #249   #250   #277   #326   #384

Avengers (1998 series)  •  #77

Avengers (2013 series)  •  #39

Avengers Spotlight (1989 series)  •  #24   #26   #27   #28   #29   #30

Badrock  •  Wolverine TPB #1

Balder the Brave  •  #2

Barbie  •  #1

Basketful of Heads  •  #3

Batgirl (2016 series)  •  #1   #2

Batgirl and the Birds of Prey  •  #1   #2

Batgirl and the Birds of Prey: Rebirth  •  #1

Batman (1940 series)   #403   #432   #439   #444   #515   Annual #16   Annual #18   Annual #19

Batman (2016 series)  •  #2   #3   #4   #5   #6

Batman '66 Meets Steed and Mrs. Peel  •  #1   #2   #3

Batman and the Outsiders (1983 series)  •  #13   #15   #16   #16   #17   #18   #19   #19   #20   #21   #22   #23   #24   #25   #26   #28   #29   #30   #31   #32

Batman/Judge Dredd: Judgment on Gotham  •  #1

Batman: Catwoman Defiant  •  #1

Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight  •  #1   #3   #4   #15   #16   #17   #18   #19   #20   #21   #23   #24   #25   #26   #27   #28   #29   #30   #31   #32

Batman: Master of the Future  •  #1

Batman: Penguin Triumphant  •  #1

Batman: Shadow of the Bat  •  #1   #2   #3

Batman: The Cult  •  #3   #4

Beauty and the Beast (1985 series)  •  #3

Before Watchmen: Ozymanidias  •  #2

Betty  •  #66   #69

Betty and Me  •  #147   #154

Betty and Veronica Spectacular  •  #32   #33

Billy the Kid  •  #42

Bishop the Last X-Man  •  #2

Black Axe  •  #4

Black Orchid (1993 series)  •  #9   #11

Black Panther (2005 series)  •  #28

Black Widow (2001 series)  •  #1

Blade (2002 series)  •  #2

Bloodbath  •  #2

Bloodlines (2016 series)  •  #6

Bloody Mary  •  #3

Blue Beetle (2006 series)  •  #26

Blue Ribbon Comics (1983 series)  •  #1

Books of Magic (1994 series)  •  #1   #2   #12   #13   #14   Trade Paperback #1

Booster Gold (1986 series)  •  #2   #3   #4   #5   #6   #7   #8   #9

Booster Gold (2007 series)  •  #46

Booster Gold: Futures End  •  #1

Boris Karloff Tales of Mystery  •  #30

Brave and the Bold (1955 series)  •  #128

Brave and the Bold (2007 series)  •  #15

Breach  •  #8

Brightest Day  •  #8   #15   #22

Cable (1993 series)   #4   #26   #31   #35   #37   #42   #79   #83   #95   #96   #102   #105

Cable - Blood and Metal  •  #1   #2

Camelot 3000  •  #6

Captain America (1968 series)  •  #107   #113   #119   #121   #123   #125   #132   #138   #144   #149   #193   #206   #288   #314   #315   #316   #318   #322   #324   #325   #328   #329   #330   #331   #333   #335   #336   #340   #341   #344   #346   #350   #351   #355   #363   #364   #369   #379   #396   #397   #398   #400   #401   #403   #404   #404   #405   #406   #406   #407   #408   #409   #410   #410   #414   #423   #425   #426   #426   #427   #428   #429   #430   #431   #432   #433   #434   #435   #436   #437   #438   #439   #440   #441   #443   #443   #444   #445   #447   #448   #449   #450   #451   #452   #452   #454   Annual #5   Annual #7   Annual #9   Annual #9   Annual #10   Annual #11   Annual #11   Annual #12   Annual #13

Captain America (1996 series)  •  #1   #3   #3   #6   #6   #11

Captain America (1998 series)  •  #1   #13   #14   #21   #22   #24   #26   #29   #30   #31   #34   #35   #35   #38   #40   #41   /Citizen V 98' #1   Annual #2000

Captain America (2002 series)  •  #1   #5   #6   #7   #12   #13

Captain America (2005 series)  •  #6   #12   #13   #15   #17   #18   #25   #26   #34   #34   #36

Captain America (2009 series)  •  #600   #602

Captain America (2011 series)  •  #1   #15   #17

Captain America (Jan 2018 series)  •  #695   #696   #697   #700

Captain America (Sept 2018 series)  •  #1   #4

Captain America 65th Anniversary Special  •  #1

Captain America and Bucky  •  #621

Captain America and the Falcon (2004 series)  •  #5   #6

Captain America and the Secret Avengers  •  #1

Captain America Goes to War Against Drugs  •  #1

Captain America/Nick Fury: Blood Truce  •  #1

Captain America: Sentinel of Liberty (1998 series)  •  #5   #8

Captain America: Sentinel of Liberty (2022 series)  •  #9

Captain America: Steve Rogers  •  #4

Captain America: Symbol of Truth  •  #12

Captain America: The Chosen  •  #2   #2   #3

Captain Atom (1987 series)  •  #14   #15   #16   #16

Captain Marvel (1968 series)  •  #47

Captain Marvel (1989 series)  •  #1

Captain Victory and the Galactic Rangers (1981 series)  •  #2

Challenge of the Super Sons  •  #6   #6   #7   #7

Challengers of the Unknown (1958 series)  •  #85   #87

Challengers of the Unknown (1997 series)  •  #5

Chamber of Darkness  •  #1

Champions (1975 series)  •  #11

Chase (1998 series)  •  #9

Checkmate (2006 series)  •  #7

Checkmate! (1988 series)  •  #6

Children of the Voyager  •  #2

Chili  •  #7   #19

Chip 'n' Dale (1967 series)  •  #41   #41

Chrome  •  #2

Civil War II  •  #5

Civil War II: X-Men  •  #3

Classics Illustrated (1941 series)  •  #1   #2   #3   #4   #5   #6   #7   #12   #13   #16   #18   #22   #23   #24   #29   #31   #32   #47   #48   #50   #51   #52   #54   #57   #59   #64   #67   #68   #69   #72   #75   #76   #77   #79   #82   #83   #86   #94   #96   #98   #99   #103   #107   #112   #121   #122   #124   #125   #130   #131   #135   #137   #138   #147   #149   #150   #151   #152   #153   #154   #160   #162

Classics Illustrated Special Issue  •  #138   #141   #144   #147   #150

Clive Barker's The Harrowers  •  #1

Conan the Barbarian (1970 series)  •  #2   #4   #5   #14   #21   #27   #28   #29   #45   #50   #51   #52   #53   #54   #55   #56   #61   #62   #64   #65   #66   #69   #70   #71   #72   #73   #74   #75   #76   #77   #79   #81   #84   #85   #86   #87   #88   #89   #90   #92   #93   #95   #96   #97   #98   #155   #161   #170   #191   #196   #271   #272   #273   #274

Conan the Barbarian: The Usurper  •  #2

Conan the King  •  #29   #30   #32

Cosmic Boy  •  #1

Cosmic Powers  •  #2   #3   #6

Countdown (2007 series)  •  #44   #51

Coyote  •  #1   #2

Cracked  •  #21   #208

Crimson Dawn  •  #4

Crow: Death and Rebirth  •  #2   #3   #4

Cyberella  •  #2

D.P. 7  •  #1

Daisy and Donald  •  #31

Damage (1994 series)  •  #1   #2   #3   #10   #17

Damage Control (1991 series)  •  #4

Daredevil (1964 series)  •  #14   #23   #24   #28   #29   #31   #36   #41   #68   #217   #242   #248   #266   #267   #273   #274   #275   #277   #278   Annual #5   Annual #9

Daredevil (1998 series)  •  Blood of the Tarantula #1

Daredevil (2009 series)  •  Black & White #1   Cage Match #1

Daredevil (2011 series)  •  #3   #4   #7   #8   #9   #10   #10   #11   #12   #13   #14   #15   #16   #17   #18   #19   #20   #23   #24   #25   #26   #28   #29   #31   #33   #34

Daredevil (2014 series)  •  #2   #3   #4   #9   #12   #15   #15   #18   Annual #1

Daredevil (2016 series)  •  #5   #6   #7   #8   #9   #10   #12   #13   #15   #16   #17   #18   #21   #22   #23   #24   #25   #26   #27

Daredevil (2018 series)  •  #595   #596   #597   #598   #604   #605

Daredevil by Ed Brubaker Saga  •  #1

Daredevil The Man Without Fear  •  #1

Daredevil vs. Punisher  •  #1

Daredevil/Shi  •  #1

Daredevil: Dark Nights  •  #2   #3   #4   #5   #6   #8

Daredevil: End of Days  •  #7

Daredevil: Father  •  #1   #2   #3   #4   #5

Daredevil: Ninja  •  #1

Daredevil: The Target  •  #1

Daring New Adventures of Supergirl  •  #1   #2   #3   #4   #5   #6   #7   #8   #9   #10   #12

Dark Horse Presents (1986 series)  •  #26   #27

Dark Horse Presents (2011 series)  •  #5

Darkhawk (1991 series)  •  #25

Day of Judgment  •  Secret Files & Origins #1

Day of Vengeance  •  #1

Dazzler  •  #15   #22   #23   #24   #25

DC Comics Presents  •  #37   #59   #72   #75   #76   #92   #94   Annual #2

DC One Million  •  #4

DC Previews  •  #12

DC Special  •  #16

DC Special: The Return of Donna Troy  •  #2   #3   #4

Deadman (1986 series)  •  #1

Death 3  •  #1

Death's Head II (Dec 1992 series)  •  #1

Death's Head II & the Origin of Die Cut  •  #2

Deathlok (1991 series)  •  #6   #19   Annual #2

Deathlok Special  •  #1

Deathstroke (2016 series)  •  #37

Deathstroke: The Terminator  •  #34   #40   #51   #56   Annual #2   Annual #4

Defenders (1972 series)  •  #31   #39   #44   #54   #55   #58   #59   #60   #66   #68   #69   #90   #93   #100   #109   #110   #116   #117   #122   #125   #128   #140   #146   #150

Demon (1972 series)  •  #1

Demon (1986 series)  •  #1

Demon (1990 series)  •  #17   #18   #21   #24   #28   #47   #48   #51

Department of Truth  •  #7   #8   #9   #11

Destroyer (Dec 1991 series)  •  #1

Detective Comics (1937 series)  •  #363   #417   #462   #499   #502   #503   #508   #509   #515   #516   #517   #529   #573   #597   #598   #603

Devil Dinosaur  •  #9

Devil's Reign  •  #2   #2   #3   #3   #3   #4   #4   #7

Dial H for Hero  •  #4

Die-Cut vs. G-Force  •  #1

Digitek  •  #1   #4

Direct Currents  •  #29

Doc Savage (1987 series)  •  #2   #4

Doc Savage (1988 series)  •  #4

Doctor Strange (1974 series)  •  #58   #75   #76   #77   #81

Doctor Strange Classics  •  #1

Doctor Strange: Sorcerer Supreme  •  #7   #7   #10   #11   #13   #15   #16   #17   #32   #39   #40   #44   #59   #69

Domino (1997 series)  •  #2

Donald Duck (1940 series)  •  #199

Doom 2099 (1993 series)  •  #9   #11   #12   #15   #43

Doom Patrol (1964 series)  •  #119

Doom Patrol (1987 series)  •  #76   #77   #78   #79

Doom Patrol (2004 series)  •  #11   #12   #17

Dragon Strike  •  #1

Dreaming (1996 series)  •  #2

Earth X  •  #2   #6   #9

Eclipso  •  #17   #18   Annual #1

Electric Warrior  •  #10

Elektra (1996 series)   #2   #3   #4   #5   #8   #12   #14   #15   #16   #17

Elektra (2001 series)  •  #2   #5   #11   #16   #18

Elektra Saga  •  #3   #4

Elektra: Assassin  •  #5

Elektra: Glimpse & Echo  •  #3

Elfquest (1985 series)  •  #8   #14   #20

Eternal Warrior (1992 series)  •  #1

Eternals (1985 series)  •  #7

Event Leviathan  •  #1   #2

Everything's Archie  •  #125   #144

Excalibur (1988 series)  •  #2   #5   #9   #15   #16   #71   #87   #90   #91   #93   #99   #102   #105   #115   #118   Special Edition #1

Excalibur (2001 series)  •  #3

Exiles (2001 series)  •  #6   #24   #25   #39   #45

Extreme Justice  •  #8

Factor X  •  #3   #4

Fantastic Four (1961 series)  •  #255   #293   #293   #300   #300   #301   #303   #307   #309   #323   #327   #329   #330   #337   #343   #345   #351   #358   #363   #365   #368   Annual #24

Fantastic Four (1996 series)  •  #13

Fantastic Four (1998 series)  •  #51

Fear Itself  •  #4   #5

Fightin' Army  •  #127

Firestorm: The Nuclear Man (1987 series)  •  #67   #90   #91   #94   #95   Annual #5

First Wave (2010 series)  •  #1

Flash (1959 series)  •  #232   #306

Flash (1987 series)  •  #1   #5   #21   #22   #23   #32   #36   #123   Annual #3   Annual #6

Flash (2010 series)  •  #8

Flash (2016 series)  •  #2

Flash Forward  •  #3

Flintstones (2016 series)  •  #3

Four Color Comics  •  #1227

Four Star Spectacular  •  #2

Free Comic Book Day 2008: Iron Man & Hulk & Spider-Man  •  #1

Free Comic Book Day 2016: Captain America  •  #1

Freedom Fighters (1976 series)  •  #2   #3   #4   #5   #6   #8

Funny Animals (1984 series)  •  #1

Further Adventures of Cyclops and Phoenix  •  #2

Further Adventures of Indiana Jones  •  #7

Fury of Firestorm (1982 series)  •  #9   #19   #21   #25   #26   #26   #27   #27   #29   #30   #30   #32   #33   #34   #35   #45   #46   #48   #51   #52   #53   #54   #55   #56   #56   #58   #59   #60   #61   Annual #4

Future Quest  •  #4

G.I. Combat (1957 series)  •  #263

G.I. Joe and the Transformers  •  #2   #3   #4

G.I. Joe Special Missions (1986 series)  •  #1   #2   #4

Gambit (1993 series)  •  #4

Gambit and the X-Ternals  •  #3   #4

Gargoyle  •  #1

Generation Next  •  #4

Generation X (1994 series)  •  #4   #5   #9   #10   #12   #16   #17   #18   #19   #33   #41   #43   #46   #49   #55   #57   #59   #64   #69   #72   #73   #75   Holiday Special #1

Ghost Manor (1971 series)  •  #19   #29

Ghost Rider (1973 series)  •  #34   #50

Ghost Rider (1990 series)  •  #19   #20   #21   #27   #30   #31   #33   #40   #53   #70

Ghost Rider/Blaze: Spirits of Vengeance  •  #1   #12

Ghostdancing  •  #1

Ghosts (1971 series)  •  #97

Gil Gamesh II  •  #1

Goddess  •  #1   #2   #7

Green Arrow (1983 series)  •  #2

Green Arrow (1988 series)  •  #6   #14   #21   #22   #25   #75   #84   #85   #87   #93   #94   #97   Annual #2   Annual #6

Green Lantern (1960 series)  •  #178   #190   #197   #204   Special #2

Green Lantern (1990 series)  •  #1   #2   #3   #4   #5   #6   #7   #8   #9   #10   #11   #12   #13   #14   #15   #16   #17   #18   #19   #20   #21   #22   #23   #24   #25   #26   #27   #28   #30   #36   #44   #45   #46   #47   #48   #51   #79   #80   #82   #83   #85   #108   #117   #134   #172   80-Page Giant #2   Annual #1   Annual #8

Green Lantern (2005 series)  •  #1   #2   #3   #22   #23   #24   #40   #63

Green Lantern (2011 series)  •  #37

Green Lantern Corps (1986 series)  •  #208   #212   #212   #213   #213   #214   #214   #215   #215   #216   #217   #218   #219   #220   #221   #222   #223   #224

Green Lantern Corps (2006 series)  •  #42

Green Lantern Corps (2011 series)  •  #4

Green Lantern Corps Quarterly  •  #1   #6   #7   #8

Green Lantern Corps: Recharge  •  #2

Green Lantern/Green Arrow  •  #1   #2   #3   #4   #5   #6   #7

Green Lantern: Emerald Dawn  •  #1   #2   #3   #4   #5   #6

Green Lantern: Emerald Dawn II  •  #1   #2   #3   #4   #5   #6

Green Lantern: Mosaic  •  #1   #2   #3   #4   #5   #6   #7   #8   #9   #10   #11   #12   #17

Groo the Wanderer (1985 series)  •  #5   #12   #14   #19   #27   #96   #105

Gun Fury  •  #5

Guy Gardner   #17   #18   #19   #32   #34   #38   #39   Annual #1

Guy Gardner Reborn  •  #1   #2

Hammerlocke  •  #2   #3   #4   #5   #6   #7   #8   #9

Harvey (1970 series)  •  #4

Haunted (1971 series)  •  #16

Hawkeye (1983 series)  •  #1

Hawkeye (1994 series)  •  #4

Hawkgirl  •  #50   #51   #52   #53

Hawkman (1993 series)   #7   #9   Annual #1

Hawkman (2002 series)  •  #3   #48   #49

Hawkworld (1989 series)  •  #1   #2   #3

Hawkworld (1990 series)  •  #1   #2

Heathcliff (1985 series)  •  #11

Hellblazer (1988 series)  •  #77   #78   #164

Hellblazer (2016 series)  •  #8

Hercules: Heart of Chaos  •  #3

Heroes for Hire (1997 series)  •  #2

Hinterkind  •  #8

Hourman  •  #21   #23

House of M (2005 series)  •  Sketchbook #1

House of Mystery (2008 series)  •  #31

Howard the Duck: The Movie  •  #2

Huey Dewey and Louie Junior Woodchucks  •  #50   #50

Human Fly (1977 series)  •  #11   #12   #13   #14   #15   #16   #17   #18   #19

I'm Dickens: He's Fenster  •  #2

Iceman (2001 series)  •  #1

Impossible Man Summer Vacation Spectacular  •  #1

Incomplete Death's Head  •  #1

Incredible Hulk (1968 series)  •  #117   #119   #121   #123   #129   #133   #135   #166   #167   #170   #172   #174   #184   #201   #208   #227   #230   #298   #329   #349   #360   #368   #370   #378   #379   #383   #413   #466   Annual #15   Special #2

Incredible Hulk (2000 series)  •  #68

Indestructible Hulk  •  #1

Infinity Abyss  •  #1

Infinity Crusade  •  #3

Infinity Inc. (1984 series)  •  #4   #12   #15   #22   #24   #30

Infinity War  •  #2   #4

Inhumans (1975 series)  •  #5   #6

Invaders (1975 series)  •  #17   #18   #19   #22   #25   #27   #28   #30   #32   #33   #35   #36   #37   #38   #39

Invaders (1993 series)  •  #1

Invisibles (1994 series)  •  #11

Iron Man (1968 series)  •  #18   #68   #100   #142   #160   #169   #171   #193   #197   #212   #214   #217   #244   #246   #251   #257   #283   #300   #302   Annual #3

Iron Man (1996 series)  •  #3   #4   #4

Iron Man (1998 series)  •  #1   #1   #55   #56   #64   #85

Iron Man (2005 series)  •  #3

Iron Man/Hulk Sampler  •  #1

Iron Man: Hypervelocity  •  #5

Iron Man: Legacy of Doom  •  #1

Isis  •  #2   #3   #5

J2  •  #4   #6   #11

Jack Kirby's Fourth World  •  #4

Jingle Belle (2004 series)  •  #4

JLA  •  #51

JLA: Classified  •  #27   #28   #29   #30   #31   #32   #33   #34   #35   #37   #38   #39   #40   #41   #42   #43   #44

Joe Kubert Presents  •  #5

JSA  •  #21

JSA: All Stars (2010 series)  •  #6

Jughead (1965 series)  •  #335

Justice (1986 series)  •  #1   #1   #2   #3   #4   #4   #5   #7   #8   #12

Justice (2005 series)  •  #9

Justice League (1987 series)  •  #1   #18   #19   #20   #21   #22   #23   #24   #25   #32   #35   #36   #64   #69   #70   #71   #75   Annual #1   Annual #2   Annual #3   Annual #4   Annual #5   Annual #7   Special #1   Spectacular #1

Justice League (2011 series)  •  #3   #52

Justice League (2016 series)  •  #3   #7   #8   #9   #10   #11   #12   #13   #13   #14   #15   #16   #17   #18   #19   #20   #21   #22   #23   #24   #29   #30   #31   #32   #35   #36   #41   #42

Justice League Elite  •  #9

Justice League Europe  •  #7   #8   #11   #26   #27   #28   #29   #30   #45   Annual #1

Justice League of America (1960 series)  •  #224   #229   #258

Justice League of America (2006 series)  •  #2   #3   #4   #5   #6   #7   #8   #9   #12   #13   #14   #15   #16   #17   #18   #19   #20   #21   #22   #23   #24   #25   #26   #27   #28   #29   #30   #31   #32   #33   #34   #35

Justice League of America (2017 series)  •  #13   #14   #15   #16   #17   #18   #19   #20   #21   #22   #23   #24   #25   #26   #27   #28

Justice League Task Force  •  #1

Justice League United  •  #10

Justice League Unlimited  •  #9   #10   #13

Justice Society of America (1992 series)  •  #1

Ka-Zar (1997 series)  •  #2

Ka-Zar the Savage  •  #19   #23   #25   #26   #27   #28   #33

Kamandi: At Earth's End  •  #1

Karate Kid  •  #3   #4   #5   #6   #7   #8   #9

Kickers Inc.  •  #1   #2   #4   #5

Kid Colt Outlaw  •  #131   #132   #133   #134

Kid Eternity (1993 series)  •  #12

King Conan (1980 series)  •  #13   #16   #16   #17   #18   #19

Kitty Pryde and Wolverine  •  #3

Knights of Pendragon  •  #1   #2   #4

Kobra  •  #2   #3   #4   #5   #6   #7

Kong the Untamed  •  #2   #4   #5

Kull the Conqueror (1971 series)  •  #1   #2   #23   #24   #25   #26   #27   #28   #29

Kull the Conqueror (1982 series)  •  #1   #2

Kull the Conqueror (1983 series)  •  #2   #5   #7   #8   #9   #10

L.E.G.I.O.N.  •  #38   #44   #61   #63   #65   #67   Annual #4

Last Hunt  •  #1

Legends of the DC Universe  •  #7   #8   #9   #15   #16   #17

Legion of Super-Heroes (1980 series)  •  #298   #300   #304   #308   #313

Legion of Super-Heroes (1984 series)  •  #19   #26   #32   #47   #48   #49   #53   #54   #55   #56   #57   #59   #62

Legion of Super-Heroes (1989 series)   #1   #3   #5   #56   #57   #62   #71   #76   #77   #78   #83   #84   #112

Legion of Super-Heroes (2005 series)  •  #8

Legion of Super-Heroes (2020 series)  •  #4

Legionnaires   #1   #3   #4   #12   #13   #14   #27   #28   #34   #48   #57   #67   #69

Legionnaires Three  •  #3

Life with Archie (1958 series)  •  #244

Little Lulu  •  #267

Lobo (1990 series)  •  #4   Paramilitary Christmas Special #1   Portrait of a Victim #1

Lobo (1993 series)  •  Annual #1

Lobo's Back  •  #1

Lobo: Infanticide  •  #1

Logan's Run (1977 series)  •  #2   #3   #4   #5   #7

Lone Ranger (1948 series)  •  #97

Lone Ranger's Famous Horse Hi-Yo Silver  •  #35

Longshot (1985 series)  •  #5

Lumberjanes/Gotham Academy  •  #3

Machine Man (1978 series)  •  #2   #5   #7   #12   #13   #16   #17   #18

Machine Teen  •  #1   #2   #4

Mad (1952 series)  •  #203   #235   #238   #252   #257   #293   #305   #308   #318   #319   #321   #322   #327   #336   #337   #338   #341   #342   #345   #347   #352   #355

Mad About Millie  •  #2

Magik (1983 series)  •  #2   #3

Majestic (2005 series)  •  #6

Man from Atlantis  •  #2   #3   #4   #5   #6   #7

Man in Flight  •  #1

Man of Steel (1986 series)  •  #1   #3   #4   #5

Man-Bat (1975 series)  •  #2

Man-Thing (1979 series)  •  #2   #3   #4   #4   #5   #5   #6   #7   #8   #10

Marc Spector: Moon Knight  •  #11   #12   #13   #14   #15   #16   #17   #18   #19   #20   #21   #22   #23   #24   #25   #25   #35

Mark Trail's Adventure Book of Nature  •  #1

Martian Manhunter (1998 series)  •  #12   #13   #14   #15   #16

Marvel 1602  •  #2   #4   #5   #8

Marvel 1602: New World  •  #1   #2   #4

Marvel Action Hour featuring the Fantastic Four  •  #6

Marvel Adventures  •  #9   #11

Marvel Adventures Fantastic Four  •  #1   #3

Marvel Adventures Spider-Man (2005 series)  •  #7

Marvel Age  •  #3   #4   #5   #6   #7   #8   #9   #10   #13   #15   #16   #17   #18   #20   #21   #22   #23   #25   #116   #125

Marvel Boy (2000 series)  •  #2

Marvel Classics Comics Series Featuring...  •  #2

Marvel Comics Presents (1988 series)  •  #18   #156

Marvel Fanfare (1982 series)  •  #2   #3   #5   #6   #7   #8   #13   #14   #28   #31   #43   #49

Marvel Premiere  •  #43

Marvel Previews (2017 series)  •  #18

Marvel Previews  (2021 series)  •  #1   #13

Marvel Saga  •  #5   #9   #11   #11   #17

Marvel Super-Heroes (1990 series)  •  #5

Marvel Super-Heroes Secret Wars  •  #11

Marvel Tales (1964 series)  •  #67   #110   #160   #161   #166   #175

Marvel Team-Up (1972 series)  •  #25   #52   #90   #138   #147

Marvel Team-Up (1997 series)  •  #8   #11

Marvel Triple Action (1972 series)  •  #21   #27   #39   #41

Marvel Two-In-One (1974 series)  •  #19   #20   #23   #28   #32   #33   #36   #37   #38   #39   #40   #41   #49   #100

Marvel Universe: The End  •  #3

Marvel's Greatest Comics  •  #45   #46   #53   #54   #55   #57   #58   #59   #61   #62   #63   #64   #65   #66   #67   #68   #69   #70   #71   #72   #83

Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy Prelude  •  Trade Paperback #1

Mary Jane: Homecoming  •  #3   #4

Master of Kung Fu (1974 series)  •  #73   #74   #76   #77   #78   #79   #80   #82   #83   #84   #85   #86   #87   #88   #89   #90   #91   #92   #93   #94   #95   #96   #97   #98   #101   #102   #103   #104   #105   #106   #107   #108   #109   #110   #111   #112   #113   #114   #116   #119   #120   #121   #122   #123   #124

Masterworks Series of Great Comic Book Artists  •  #1   #2

Maverick (Sept 1997 series)  •  #4

Maxx  •  #1   #2   #3   #4   #5   #6   #7   #8   #9   #10   #11   #12   #13

Mega Morphs  •  #2

Men of War (1977 series)  •  #1

Metal Men (1963 series)  •  #14

Mickey Mouse (1941 series)  •  #165   #171   #185   #220   #220

Micronauts (1979 series)  •  #10   #11   #12   #13   #14   #15   #16   #17   #18   #19   #20   #21   #22   #24   #25   #26   #27   #28   #29   #30   #31   #32   #33   #34   #35   #36   #37   #38   #39   #40   #41   #42   #43   #50   #53   #54

Micronauts (1984 series)  •  #3   #7

Mighty Samson (1964 series)  •  #27

Mighty Valkyries  •  #1   #2   #3   #3   #3   #4   #4   #4   #5   #5   #5

Millennium (1988 series)  •  #8

Millie the Model  •  #175

Mister E  •  #1

Mister Miracle (1971 series)  •  #19

Mister Miracle (1996 series)  •  #4   #5

Monster Menace  •  #1

Morlocks  •  #2   #3   #4

Motormouth  •  #6   #11

Ms. Marvel (2006 series)  •  #23

Mutant X (1998 series)  •  #13   #15   #19

Mutopia X  •  #1   #2   #3   #4   #5

My Favorite Martian  •  #8

Mys-Tech Wars  •  #1

Nailbiter  •  #2   #3   #4   #5   #7   #8

Namor  •  #2

Namor: The Sub-Mariner  •  #1   #11   #13   #18   #20   #21   #22   #24   #25   #26   #28   #30   #32   #45   #54

New Adventures of Superboy  •  #40   #49

New Gods (1971 series)  •  #12

New Guardians  •  #6   #7

New Mutants (1983 series)  •  #4   #15   #30   #36   #44   #64   #65   #67   #69   #73   #76   #83   #84

New Super-Man  •  #2   #3

New Talent Showcase (1984 series)  •  #2   #13

New Teen Titans (1980 series)  •  #19   #25   #28   #30   #32   #38   #39   Annual #1

New Teen Titans (1983 series)  •  #1

New Teen Titans (1984 series)  •  #1   #2   #3   #4   #5   #7   #8   #9   #10   #11   #17

New Titans  •  #54   #58   #60   #63   #64   #100   #107   #108   #110   #125   #130   Annual #5   Annual #9

New Warriors (1990 series)  •  #2   #3   #18   #25   #26   #27   #28   #29   #30   #31   #32   #33   #34   #35   #36   #37   #38   #39   #40   #41   #42   #43   #44   #45   #46   #47   #48   #51   #52   #53   #54   #56   #57   #58   #63   #64   #67   #69   #70   #71   #73   #74   #75

NFL SuperPro  •  #4

Nick Fury's Howling Commandos  •  #2

Nick Fury: Agent of SHIELD (1989 series)  •  #1   #4   #20   #24

Night Thrasher (1993 series)  •  #2

Nightcrawler (1985 series)  •  #3

Nighthawk (1998 series)  •  #1   #2   #3

Nightmask  •  #4   #9

Nightstalkers  •  #4

Nightwatch  •  #4

Nightwing (1996 series)  •  #130

Ninjak (2015 series)  •  #23

Nomad (1992 series)  •  #10

Nova (1976 series)  •  #20

Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe (1983 series)  •  #4

Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe (1985 series)  •  #9   #10

Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe (1989 series)  •  #2

Official Teen Titans Index  •  #2

OMAC (1974 series)  •  #2   #3   #4   #5   #6   #7   #8

Omega Men (1982 series)  •  #1   #4   #13   #16   #23   #24   #25   #26   #27   #28   #29   #30   #31   #32   #35   #36

One (1985 series)  •  #2

Onslaught Reborn  •  #4

Order (2002 series)  •  #5

Orion (2000 series)  •  #5

Outcasts  •  #7

Outlaw Kid (1970 series)  •  #25

Outlaws (1991 series)  •  #4

Outsiders (1985 series)  •  #16   #19

Outsiders (1993 series)  •  #9   #19

Outsiders (2003 series)  •  #2   #24   #25   #26

Paradise X: Heralds  •  #2

Pep Comics  •  #408

Phantom Stranger (1969 series)  •  #29

Phantom: The Ghost Who Walks (1995 series)  •  #1

Phoenix (1984 series)  •  #1

Pink Panther (1971 series)  •  #86

Plastic Man (1966 series)  •  #13   #14   #15

Plastic Man (2004 series)  •  #3   #4

Plop!  •  #4

Power Girl (1988 series)  •  #4

Power Man  •  #38   #53   #60   #96   #98   #99   #102   #103   #108   #111   #113   #117   #117   #118   #118   #119

Power of Shazam! (1995 series)  •  #38

Preacher  •  #51

Prince Namor: the Sub-Mariner  •  #1   #2   #3   #3   #4

PSI-Force  •  #1   #1   Annual #1

Punisher (1987 series)  •  #2   #45   #46   #51   #52

Punisher/Captain America: Blood & Glory  •  #1

Punisher: War Zone (1992 series)  •  #1

Quasar  •  #1   #38

Question (1987 series)  •  #2   #3

R.E.B.E.L.S. (1994 series)  •  #4   #5   #6

Ragman: Cry of the Dead  •  #5

Rann-Thanagar War  •  Infinite Crisis Special #1

Raven (2016 series)  •  #1

Rawhide Kid (1955 series)  •  #102   #104   #105   #106   #107   #108   #109   #110   #111   #112   #113   #114   #115   #143   #146   #150

Rawhide Kid (1985 series)  •  #1

Ray (1992 series)  •  #3

Ray (1994 series)  •  #1   #5   #7   #15   #27

Razor: Burn  •  #1

Red Sonja (1977 series)  •  #12   #14   #15

Red Sonja (Aug 1983 series)  •  #4   #5   #6   #7   #8   #10   #11   #12   #13

Red Sonja (Feb 1983 series)  •  #1   #2

Richard Dragon: Kung-Fu Fighter  •  #2   #3   #4   #6   #7   #8   #9   #10   #11   #12   #13   #14   #15

Richie Rich Diamonds  •  #31   #38

Richie Rich Dollars & Cents  •  #75   #87   #89

Richie Rich Gems  •  #28

Richie Rich Inventions  •  #3

Richie Rich Riches  •  #21   #38

Rima: The Jungle Girl  •  #2   #4

Rise of Apocalypse  •  #4

Robin (1991 series)  •  Annual #2

Robin II  •  #1

Robocop (1990 series)  •  #10

Rogue (2001 series)  •  #2

Rogue (2004 series)  •  #2

Rom (1979 series)  •  #3   #4   #5   #6   #7   #8   #9   #10   #11   #12   #13   #14   #15   #16   #18   #19   #20   #20   #21   #22   #23   #23   #24   #25   #26   #27   #28   #29   #30   #33   #40   #41   #42   #51   #52   #60   #74   Annual #1   Annual #2   Annual #3

Sad Sack and The Sarge  •  #144

Saga of Crystar: Crystal Warrior  •  #2   #4   #4

Saga of the Sub-Mariner  •  #7

Sandman Mystery Theatre (1993 series)  •  #1   #2   #3   #4   #5   #6   #14   #15

Savage Dragon (1993 series)  •  #1   #2   #3   #4   #5   #6   #7   #9   #10   #11   #12   #13   #14   #15   #16

Savage Dragon/Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Crossover  •  #1

Savage She-Hulk (1980 series)  •  #21   #22   #23   #24

Savage Sword of Conan (1974 series)  •  #109   #134

Scarab  •  #1   #2

Scarlet (2010 series)  •  #5

Scooby-Doo: Where Are You?  •  #72   #73

Scooby: Apocalypse  •  #3

Sebastion O  •  #1   #2   #3

Secret Defenders  •  #7   #9   #13   #14

Secret Invasion Saga  •  #1

Secret Origins (1986 series)  •  #8   #9   #10   #11   #43   #44   #47

Secret Warriors (2017 series)  •  #8

Secret Wars

Secret Wars II  •  #2   #8

Sensational She-Hulk (1989 series)  •  #24   #47

Seven Soldiers: Shining Knight  •  #2   #3   #4

Sgt. Rock  •  #395

Shade: The Changing Man (1977 series)  •  #1

Shade: The Changing Man (1990 series)  •  #47

Shadow (1986 series)  •  #1   #2   #3   #4

Shadow (1987 series)  •  #1   #2   #3   #4   #5   #6

Shadow Strikes!  •  #2   #3

Shazam! (1973 series)  •  #20   #22   #23   #27   #29

Showcase '93  •  #7

Shroud  •  #3

Silver Age  •  Green Lantern #1

Silver Sable and the Wild Pack  •  #5   #6   #11   #16   #19   #24

Silver Surfer (1968 series)  •  #6

Silver Surfer (1987 series)  •  #55   #58   #59   #73   #77

Silver Surfer (2003 series)  •  #1

Silverheels  •  #1

Skreemer  •  #1

Sleepwalker  •  #12   #15   #24

Smallville  •  #2   #3   #4   #5   #6   #7   #8   #11

Solo Avengers  •  #16   #18

Solomon Kane (2008 series)  •  #6

Sovereign Seven  •  #6   #7   #8

Space Jam  •  #1

Spawn  •  #38   #39

Spectacular Spider-Man (1976 series)  •  #1   #66   #68   #70   #72   #73   #79   #80   #118   #124   #161   #162   #198   #238

Spectre (1987 series)  •  #1

Spectre (2001 series)  •  #12   #14   #16

Speedball  •  #10

Spellbound (1988 series)  •  #4   #5

Spider-Girl (1998 series)  •  #86   #87   #88   #90   #92

Spider-Gwen (Dec 2015 series)  •  #11

Spider-Man (1990 series)  •  #14

Spider-Man 2099 (1992 series)  •  #2

Spider-Woman (1978 series)  •  #1

Spirit (2007 series)  •  #9

Squadron Supreme (1985 series)  •  #1   #6   #8   #10   #11

Stalker  •  #1   #2   #3   #4

Star Brand  •  #5

Star Hunters  •  #1

Star Trek (1980 series)  •  #2   #3   #5   #14

Star Trek (1984 series)  •  #8   #10   #17   #18   #29   #33   #34   #37

Star Wars (1977 series)  •  #3   #11   #12   #79   #99

Star Wars (2015 series)  •  #15   #16   #17   #18   #22   #23   #24   #26   #27   #28   #29   #30   #31   #32   #33   #34   #35   #36   #37   #39   #40   #41   #42   #43   #44   #45   #46   #47   #48   #49

Starfire (1976 series)  •  #2   #3   #4   #6   #7

Starman (1988 series)  •  #16

Stars and S.T.R.I.P.E.  •  #8   #10   #11   #13

Steel (1994 series)  •  #37   #42

Steel: The Indestructible Man  •  #1   #2   #3   #4   #5

Strange Tales (1987 series)  •  #7   #15

Strikeforce: Morituri (1986 series)  •  #1   #5   #6   #15   #18

Suicide Squad (1987 series)  •  #22

Super Goof  •  #49

Super Powers (1984 series)  •  #2

Super Powers (1985 series)  •  #2

Superboy (1949 series)  •  #230   #244   #247   #251

Superboy (1994 series)  •  #21   #100

Supergirl (1972 series)  •  #1

Supergirl (1983 series)  •  #16   #18

Supergirl (1996 series)  •  #14   #22

Supergirl (2005 series)  •  #12   #15   #16   #17

Superman (1939 series)  •  #257   #314

Superman (1987 series)  •  #2   #4   #24   #26   #27   #28   #35   #37   #40   #41   #47   #52   #53   #74   #75   #75   #76   #77   #78   #78   #82   #83   #87   #90   #91   #109   #110   #111   #113   #119   #121   #122   #126   #127   #128   #138   #140   #141   #145   Annual #1   Annual #2   Annual #5   Annual #7

Superman (2006 series)  •  #659

Superman (2011 series)  •  #32

Superman (2016 series)  •  #14

Superman Doomed  •  #1

Superman Family  •  #168

Superman for the Animals  •  #1

Superman Smashes the Klan  •  #1   #3

Superman Unchained  •  #4

Superman vs. Darkseid: Apokolips Now  •  #1

Superman's Nemesis: Lex Luthor  •  #1   #2   #3   #4

Superman/Batman  •  Secret Files & Origins #1

Superman: Day of Doom  •  #2

Superman: Our Worlds at War Secret Files  •  #1

Superman: Red Son  •  #2

Superman: Speeding Bullets  •  #1

Superman: The Man of Steel   #17   #22   #22   #23   #24   #27   #30   #30   #34   #35   #47   #64   #65   #70   #74   #94   #95   #106   Annual #2

Superman: The Man of Tomorrow (1995 series)  •  #1

Superman: World of New Krypton  •  #1   #2   #3

Swamp Thing (1982 series)  •  #45   #57   #58   #84   #142

Tales of Ghost Castle  •  #1

Tales of the Teen Titans  •  #41   #42   #43   #54   #56   #57   #58   #67   #70   Annual #3

Tales to Astonish (1959 series)  •  #100   #101

Tarzan (1977 series)  •  #1   #2   #3   #4   #5   #6   #7   #9   #10   #11   #12   #15   #15   #16   #22   #29   Annual #1

Tarzan of the Apes (1984 series)  •  #1   #1   #2

Team Titans  •  #17

Teen Titans (1966 series)  •  #8   #30   #32   #35   #37   #38   #43   #48

Teen Titans (2003 series)  •  #34

Teen Titans (2011 series)  •  #15   #16   #19   #19

Teen Titans (2016 series)  •  #12   #12   #13   #13

Teen Titans Spotlight  •  #1   #6   #8

Terror Inc. (1992 series)  •  #2

Thanos (2003 series)  •  #3   #9   #10   #12

Thief of Bagdad  •  #1

Thing (1983 series)  •  #2   #21   #22   #23   #24   #25   #26   #27   #28   #29   #30   #31   #32   #34

Thor (1966 series)  •  #141   #143   #146   #154   #260   #267   #276   #277   #278   #280   #281   #285   #286   #286   #287   #288   #289   #290   #290   #291   #292   #293   #294   #294   #342   #390   #408   #409   #411   #416   #420   #422   #424   #429   #484   Annual #16   Annual #18

Thor (1998 series)  •  #77

Thor (2009 series)  •  #605

Thor (2014 series)  •  #2

Thor (2018 series)  •  #8   #13

Thunderbolts (1997 series)  •  #45

ThunderCats (1985 series)  •  #9

Thunderstrike (1993 series)  •  #2   #7

Tigra  •  #1   #3

Timber Wolf  •  #3

Titans (1999 series)  •  #2   #3   #5   #6   #9   #47

Titans Hunt  •  #2

Tomb of Dracula (1972 series)  •  #52

Tragg and the Sky Gods  •  #9

Transformers (1984 series)  •  #54   #60   #61   #67

Transformers Universe (1986 series)  •  #2   #3   #4

Transformers: Headmasters  •  #1

Transformers: The Movie  •  #2

Trinity (2016 series)  •  #1

Triumph  •  #2

U.S. 1  •  #5

U.S. War Machine  •  #11

Ultimate Daredevil and Elektra  •  #4

Ultimate Fantastic Four  •  #18   #19   #24

Ultimate Spider-Man (2000 series)  •  #78

Uncanny X-Men (1981 series)  •  #180   #198   #201   #215   #227   #346   Annual #7

Uncanny X-Men (2016 series)  •  #9

Universe X  •  #7

Unknown Soldier (2009 series)  •  #2   #3   #4   #5   #6   #7   #8   #10   #25

V  •  #4

Valor (1992 series)  •  #8   #11   #13

Vamps  •  #2   #3   #4

Vault of Evil  •  #15

Venom: Lethal Protector (1993 series)  •  #4   #5

Vigilante (1983 series)  •  #3

Vision (2016 series)  •  #11

Vision and the Scarlet Witch (1985 series)  •  #3   #5   #7

Wacky Raceland  •  #2

Walt Disney Showcase  •  #32   #49

Walt Disney's Comics and Stories  •  #508   #512   #513

Wanderers  •  #10

War World!  •  #1

Warlock and the Infinity Watch  •  #1   #3   #5   #6   #20   #22   #29   #31   #34

Warlock Chronicles  •  #2   #3   #4   #5

Warlord (1976 series)  •  #9   #10   #11   #12   #13   #14   #15   #16   #17   #18   #19   #20   #21   #22   #23   #24   #25   #26   #27   #28   #29   #30   #31   #32   #33   #34   #68   #71   #102   #109   #113   #115   #116   #123   Annual #1   Annual #2   Annual #3   Annual #4   Annual #5

Wasteland (1987 series)  •  #4   #5   #6

Web of Spider-Man (1985 series)  •  #11   #12   #13   #19   #61   #96   #99

Weird (1988 series)  •  #2

West Coast Avengers (1985 series)  •  #5   #6   #7   #13   #15   #17   #18

What If? (1977 series)  •  #16   #18   #35   #36   #38   #39   #40   #46

What If? (1989 series)  •  #8

Who's Who: The Definitive Directory of the DC Universe  •  #1   #7   #13

WildC.A.T.S.: Covert Action Teams  •  #4

Winnie-the-Pooh  •  #14

Witchblade/Elektra  •  #1

Witchcraft (1994 series)  •  #1

Wolverine (1988 series)  •  #146   #147

Wonder Man (1991 series)  •  #2   #3   #5   #6

Wonder Twins  •  #12

Wonder Woman (2006 series)  •  #16

World Around Us  •  #4   #5   #7   #8   #9   #12   #13   #17   #22

World of Krypton (1979 series)  •  #3

World War Hulk Aftersmash  •  #1

World's Finest Comics  •  #232   #294   #297   #305   #317

Wyatt Earp (1955 series)  •  #33

X-51  •  #5

X-Factor (1986 series)  •  #2   #8   #14   #17   #75   #76   #84   #85   #86   #95   #113   #117   #119   #128   #135   #140   #143

X-Force (1991 series)  •  #16   #17   #18   #19   #24   #26   #44   #45   #52   #53   #69   #71   #84   #111   #122   #125

X-Man  •  #12   #28   #38   #43   #44   #54   #59   #66   #74   #75   Annual #1996

X-Men (1963 series)  •  Annual #8

X-Men (1991 series)  •  #2

X-Men '92 (2016 series)  •  #5   #6

X-Men/Alpha Flight (1985 series)  •  #2

X-Terminators (1988 series)  •  #4

Young All-Stars  •  #22   #30   #31

We Add 6,000 Comic Books Each Week
    We have hundreds of thousands of comic books on sale right now.  And, every day we add about 1,000 more comic books.  So, if this amount doesn't change tomorrow, it only means we sold as many comics as we added over the last 24 hours.  If the comic books you want aren't here today, check again tomorrow, because it may be among the 1,000 new comic books that arrive tomorrow.

    If the comic books you want are out of stock, drop by again in the next few days.  There's a good chance that the comic books may arrive.

    We specialize in back-issue comic books, but in the months to come we will be adding thousands of more recent comic books.

    You can find great bargains by checking this list of new comic books.  Go to the top of the page, and click the '25 or more' link.  It will take you to a list of comic books where we've added 25 or more copies.  When we have alot of copies of a specific comic book, the price drops for all the comic books -- like a rock.  So, if you're looking for bargains, click the 25 or more link, since many of our lowest priced comic books appear there.

    By the way, when we say 'New Arrivals', that refers to comic books that have just been added to our website, and not the age of the comic books.  For example, when we add copies of X-Men (1991 series) comic books, that's a new arrival, even though the comic books were published years ago.